The School of Economics, University of Cape Town (UCT) organized a research workshop from 3 to 4 July 2018
The School of Economics, University of Cape Town (UCT) organized a research workshop from 3 to 4 July 2018 prior to the BRICS Network University Annual Conference.
The workshop targeted academics from the BRICS Network Universities that are members of the Economics International Thematic Group (ITG) and the researchers from South African universities.
The broad aim of the workshop was to disseminate information on economic research being conducted by each institution and to initiate collaborative research among the BRICS Economic ITG partners.
During the workshop researchers from ITG on Economics member universities provided the overviews of the research topics of their home institutions and also presented their own papers. These fruitful activities were made to reach a better understanding of each university’s research areas and to provide the theme of common research for the ITG on Economics - Globalisation, Development, Inequality: Lessons from the BRICS.